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    Whether you are a large network site, content site, blogger or just a previous customer impressed with our service you can now sign up to our 'iAfilliate' service to make money by referring people to www.mendmyi.com

      By signing up to our iAffiliate service you are provided with your own unique, sharable URL to share with people and mendmyi branded assets such as banners and logos. When a customer clicks your very own unique URL or supplied banners our website recognises that they are a customer that has been referred to us by you.


  • Earn Money

    You can earn up to 15% commission on the total sale value of each customer that you refer to us. A sale from a �97 iPad screen repair would earn you up to �14.55

      If someone clicks through using your very own unique sharable URL or banner our website recognises that they have been referred to our website by you. Any purchases each person that clicks make on mendmyi.com within 14 days of the first click (tracked through our cookies) will earn you up to 15% commission on the total value of the sale. Example: Customer clicks through your link and orders an iPad 2 front screen repair in Black at �97 with return postage at �6 - total order value = �103. You will receive up to �15.45 (15% of total order value) for referring this customer to us.


  • Free To Join

    Our iAffiliate service is simple, easy and completely free to join - simply click the 'join now' button on the right hand side. Start telling people about us and earning money now!

      Our iAffiliate service is completely free to join. You can sign up and begin telling people about us right now! Simply click the 'join now' button on the right hand side. All iAffiliate's start on our standard 5% commission tier and as you drive more sales to us we will monitor your account and upgrade you to the silver or gold tier and notify you.


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