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Save 60% on multiple orders

Order more than 1 repair and each additional repair will be given a 60% discount! Select and add the repairs above to automatically quote yourself.

*discount excludes most expensive repair and is ONLY applicable to multiple repairs per device

Express Pickup

We will pickup your iDevice from anywhere in the UK for £6

What's wrong with my device?

Unsure what's wrong with your device? Use our diagnostics service and we will tell you what's wrong - free of charge*

*excludes any postage costs

Apple iPhone Repairs

Here at mendmyi we specialise in Apple iPhone repairs. If you are close to one of our locations at we may be able to help you as quickly as today with your Apple iPhone repair in if you are not close to one of our locations but need help with repair of your Apple iPhone then you can place your order today and take advantage of our Express Pickup and Return Delivery service where we can pickup and return your Apple iPhone from anywhere in the UK.

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